DC Current and Voltage Transformation
Many people arrive here looking for DC Transformers, hoping OSI has created a loophole in a few key laws of physics. While we’re striving to be that good, we’re not quite there yet; however, OSI’s abilities do extend to transforming higher DC Currents and Voltages to measurable values.
Measurement Transformers should: 1) Accurately transform from operating levels to signal or measurement levels and 2) provide isolation between the two levels. How does OSI accomplish this without windings on a core?
OSI directly measures the current and voltage and transforms the measurement into a standard signal level (e.g., 4-12-20 mA) feeding an RTU or DAQ, or utilizes the WDC series to deliver a digital value via ASCII or MODBUS. In both cases, the output signal is fully, galvanically isolated from the primary side. This provides operator safety and simplifies the signal processing.
4,000 ADC and 1,500 VDC (or 6 MW) is the most commonly requested combination for energy storage. Moving and/or exchanging this much energy typically means money is changing hands and accuracy is critical. The individual devices (DVTH and HDC ) deliver 0.25% of Full Scale accuracy, with minimal temperature and other distorting effects.
When calibrated as a system with the WDC measurement device, you can measure multiple parameters – including two way power and energy at 0.3% of full-scale accuracy across the same wide band of conditions.
OSI transducers offer the ability to accurately measure DC voltage, current, power and energy in a variety of environments and formats. Whatever your need – particularly for unique or complex DC measurements - Ohio Semitronics is the first place to search.
For more than 55 years, Ohio Semitronics has delivered the industry’s most stable and accurate electrical measurement devices.
What can we measure for you?
TRANSFORMATION: Transforming DC Currents & Voltages to Measurable Values
Feb 11, 2021